Based on the popular piper gates postcard which in turn was inspired by the classic look of Penguin Books this 500mm x 700mm print comes as a limited edition print signed by the artist.
The second in the "Piper Gates" series of colouring books. As with the Joy Division colouring book its 8 pages of colouring in fun plus a free 7 inch sleeve of Arnold Layne which can also be coloured in.
Based on the popular piper gates postcard which in turn was inspired by the classic look of Penguin Books this 500mm x 700mm print comes as a limited edition print signed by the artist.
Limited edition Joy Division Colouring Book. The first in the "Piper Gates" series of colouring books it comes as a four page cover with eight whole pages of colouring fun. Also includes a free Transmission sleeve to colour in.
Postcard set designed for Hive Films. The client wanted a display of bold typography to grab immendiate attention and then built on this with the use of film quotes to align themselves to their cultural forefathers.
Having to write a business proposal for course work it was decided to liven up its appearance by visualising it as a 4pp leaflet. Inspired by Jan Tshichold the front and back cover were created in a homage to the great man.
Specially commisssioned poster. The client wanted the poster to be retro yet contempory so the influence of timeless Swiss Graphic Design was used for inspiration.
Digitally printed recruitment postcard and A5 flyer for Braunstone Cricket Club. To draw attention to potential cricketers a photo of the childhood favourite 'Test Match' was used to evoke a reminder of the wonders of yesteryear and the excitement of cricket for those who might have forgot.
This is another piece of course work, a four page A5 digitally printed leaflet. To create more interest in the subject matter for both author and reader alike it was decided to include a favourite subject of the author Doctor Who. The design was planned as a follow up to the Penguin Book homage done previously. The look is based on the classic Penguin design of the 60's and 70's and uses the same grid. The use of cyan, magenta and yellow ink spots together with the black type represents the four colour process used in both digital and litho printing.
Recently I have become rather in awe of the design of Penguin Books. I like the simplicity and the adaptability of how one layout can be used to create a variety of different designs but still keeps a uniformity which makes the brand distinctive. To understand this more I decided to create the above covers using the same layout and gave them a vintage look to make them look authentic. I decided to create something of interest to me and found inspiration from a favourite story of Doctor Who and the films Bedazzled, Carry on Girls, Dawn of the Dead, Barbarella plus the Patrick McGoohan classic The Prisoner.
Piper Gates Design specialises in retro graphics and is headed by Ian Percival. This blog includes examples of work and the thought process that went into the creation of these pieces. You can view hi res versions of the pictures by clicking on them. For further information regarding commissions, work or items for sale please message Piper Gates Design on either twitter or instagram.